I'm Alessia,
a PostDoc in Copenhagen,

About me
I believe that being a professor or a researcher needs a calling, and I received both in different moments. I see myself teaching since my classmates in high school elected me as the class' math tutor. The following years as a private and university tutor just confirmed it. The calling for the research came several years later, during my internship at the University of Chicago. Currently, I'm a PostDoc at IT University of Copenhagen. I'm passionate about network science and big data analysis.
Download short CVExperience
IT University
October 2024 - present
PostDoc at NERDS lab on the COllective COordination through ONline Social media (COCOONS) project, supervised by Prof. Luca Maria Aiello.
University of Milan
PhD student
October 2021 - present
Phd Student at Connets Lab, where I am also the manager of the website. My research is focused on the field of complex networks, with a specific interest in un- derstanding social and financial human networks through the lens of graph-based temporal patterns. I am developing a comprehensive framework that offers both theoretical models and applicative aspects to study the evolution of massive networks from a mesoscopic point of view. Overall, my research is aimed at improving our understanding of the complex dynamics of social and financial networks, with a particular focus on the unique temporal aspects of behavior in Web3 platforms.
ITU Copenhagen
PhD visiting
April 2023 - July 2023
PhD visitor at NERDS Lab where I worked on the COllective COordination through ONline Social media (COCOONS) project, supervised by Prof. Luca Maria Aiello.
University of Milan
Research fellow
June 2021 - October 2021
Research Fellow for a project named VASARI about the smart enhancement of the artistic heritage of Italian cities.The role includes website management, social media mining activities, similarity graphs and community detection tasks.
University of Chicago
Summer Intern
July-August 2019
Feasibility study of a machine learning project, concerning audio backdoors. The work initially consisted in analyzing the state of art methods and testing them. I also found errors and discussed them with the authors themselves. During my stay I also attended lab and students meetings and a phd dissertation. This experience taught me to work in autonomy and to be adaptable.
Social Media Mining
Teaching Assistant
February 2023 - present | University of Milan
Lab for Social Media Mining course of the bachelor degree in Computer Science for Digital Communication in the Computer Science Department
Social Network Analysis
Teaching Assistant
September 2022 - present | University of Milan
Lab for Social Network Analysis course of the master degree in Data Science and Economics in the Economics, Management, and Quantitative Methods Department
Basics of Computer Science
May 2019 - February 2021 | University of Milan
Tutor for a course of Basics of Computer Science at University of Milan. The role was divided in a didactical part, where I taught lessons both online and in class and also recorded some video-lessons. I also covered a leader role, managing other tutors work and shifts, creating new material and so on.
Master Degree in Computer Science
University of Milan
110 cum laude | April 2020
Thesis: Graph-based customer segmentation through cashless payment data
Bachelor degree in Computer Science for Digital Communication
University of Milan
102/110 | December 2018
Thesis: NSFW content identification in a decentralized social network
International Journals
A. Galdeman, C.T. Ba, M. Zignani, C. Quadri, S. GaitoCity Consumption Profile: a city perspective on the spending behavior of citizensin: Applied Network Science, Springer-Nature
C.T. Ba, M. Dileo, A. Galdeman, M. Zignani, S. GaitoAnalyzing user migration in blockchain online social networks through network structure and discussion topics of communities on multilayer networksin: Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice
International Conferences
A. Galdeman, M. Zignani, S. GaitoUnfolding temporal networks through statistically significant graph evolution rulesin: The 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) 2023
C. T. Ba, A. Galdeman, M. Dileo, M. Zignani, and S. GaitoUser migration prediction in blockchain socioeconomic networks using graph neural networksin Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (2023)
A. Galdeman, M. Zignani, S. GaitoUser migration across Web3 online social networks: behaviors and influence of hubsAccepted in: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2023
A. Galdeman, M. Zignani, S. GaitoDisentangling the Growth of Blockchain-based Networks by Graph Evolution Rule Miningin: The 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) 2022
C. T. Ba, A. Galdeman, M. Dileo, C. Quadri, M. Zignani, and S. GaitoWeb3 social platforms: modeling, mining and evolutionin: 1ST Italian Conference on Big Data and Data Science (ItaData) 2022
C. T. Ba, A. Galdeman, M. Zignani, and S. GaitoTemporal analysis of cooperative behaviour in a blockchain for humanitarian aid during the COVID- 19 pandemicin:The 2022 ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT) 2022
A. Galdeman, C.T. Ba, M. Zignani, C. Quadri, S. GaitoA Multilayer Network Perspective on Customer Segmentation Through Cashless Payment Datain: The 8th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) 2021
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